Holey, moley! I'm not quite sure why I did this. It's not finished and I don't know what to next.

This was an attempt at the stained-glass technique and I think I made all the possible mistakes with it. Sometimes I think I tend to just make stuff that is the perfect example of how NOT to do something! (which reminds me of that .sig I read once that said "Just think: your sole purpose in life may be to serve as a warning to others!") It is also the first (and only, so far) in a Goddess series which I have more ideas for. I am currently trying to rescue it and then I will border, back and quilt it after which it may well go back into the box from whence it recently emerged!
African Mandala. I have totally dried up on what to do next with this one and it needs so much more! I think it has great potential, but I also feel quite stumped. I guess it's a good example of how one needs to do some sort of planning before leaping in.... So this mandala is waiting for inspiration. I LOVE the idea of doing circular works and I can see I will have to invent a way to hang circles, so I can do more.
These photos spread themselves around the page, but strangely, everytime I delete one photo, ALL the pics I have already uploaded vanish. Eventually I gave up and left it. These pics are parts of a curtain I made for my daughter. It's just the top, no batting or quilting. One day I should do something with it.
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