I have a very big grin on my face as I write this. Yesterday I received a book that I had ordered some time ago, called Innovative Threads - a decade of South African Fibre Art by Liza Gillespie. As I drove home from picking it up at the Post Office, I told my daughter about the book and that I was hoping to have work included in the *next* book done about SA Fibre Art in years to come.
I took the book from the envelope and thumbed through it and then my heart did the biggest leap.... I'm IN it! My work is in there on page 129. Little ole me is in that book along with all the fibre artists I am so in awe of! I whooped and then I burst into tears and then I floated around for the rest of the afternoon (at my day job, which I will probably have to hang onto for a while yet....)
Here is a very bad pic of the page I am on. PROOF. It's really true. Pinch me, so I know it's real, please.

So does this mean I am really an artist...................???