This piece of cloth, from my dyeing the other day, seemed just beautiful as it was, so I decided not to cut it at all, but just embellish it. I've beaded and embroidered and, as so often with textile work rich in texture, it looks better in real life that in a photo. But that is just too bad. It's been fun and much TV was watched while beading it.

Below is a detail shot, where you can see some of the embroidery. I'd like to add lots more (as I'm always tempted to do), but my youngest said "don't do anymore, Mom, it's enough." Should I listen to this? Does she have a point? Argh, I just dont' know.

I've now cut the backing (I was beading through the top and the batting only, without backing) and will quilt it some more - when I work out whether or not to embroider more!
For some reason, a snippet of the Leonard Cohen song,
Suzanne, keeps going through my head whenever I look at it:
"...and the sun pours down like honey, on our lady of the harbour,
and she shows you where to look, among the garbage and the flowers,
there are heroes in the seaweed, there are children in the morning,
they are leaning out for love, and they will lean that way forever...."
I may just try to incorporate this somehow.
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