I am making some progress, although it feels like trying to exercise in a pool filled with syrup. I ordered 20 metres of "Magic Applique" (fuse) from MGE in PE and they are posting it to me. It should get here in the next few days, which means I can continue with the Protea quilt, since I found (and dyed) the rest of the various reds and pinks I will need.
I am going to a specialist clinic at the hospital today to see about my current depression. I'm a bit nervous, since I don't know the doctor I'll be seeing and it's a vulnerable feeling, to go and spill your guts. It's not as if I haven't done it before, but it is a very disempowering situation and the depression means I project judgment onto everyone I talk to. But I do need this. I have to go and sit in a queue for at least two hours - and there is a bit of humour in this, as I thought "I will HAVE to take something to sit and work on during that time" (much as Melody Johnson says whenever she has to go on a plane trip "What will I knit?"). So, since Friday I have been planning what I will take to work on at the clinic. Couldn't help smiling at that, so things are not all bad.
Finally I settled on this:

which I put together after listening to Leonard Cohen and kd lang, two of my favourite musicians. Interestingly enough, it's all the same black fabric, but the green has been discharge-dyed with Jik (bleach). I didn't know how much to add, so I just poured, and then forgot it while I was soaking it in the bleach. Oops. It ate through a lot of the fabric and I ended up with some tatters, but just enough intact fabric for this. Isn't it amazing that beneath the black lies this green?
And right after I took this, a spool of thread whizzed across the camera screen, followed by a cat in hot pursuit. Serves me right for trying to photograph work on the floor...
I also tried a bit of painting. Paint has this attraction of being so immediate, which has great appeal, since fabric work is so labour-intensive. A while back I bought some prepared canvases (who knows, one day I might be a REAL artist who actually works on CANVAS, gee whizz...) which were on special at R20 for an 8 by 8 inch. It was a LOT of fun - I sloshed paint on it, mixed some colours, since I only have primaries. Once it had dried, the mixed-media urge grabbed me and I sewed on some beads. I'm quite pleased with the result and will definitely try it again:

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