Ok, I admit it. I am a digital dumbo. I have gone from Computer Literacy Teacher (I kid you not; this was back in 1989-92) to Clueless Computer Dunce. I used to be able to open the cover and point out the various bits to students and trouble-shoot problems. Now the USB port doesn't work and I don't have a clue what to check. I also don't know how my digital camera operates. I used to have a manual camera where I had to set the f-stops, shutter speed and focus before every shot - I managed an entire year in Israel with lots of great shots back in 1981, but now I cannot even take a photo that is in focus, because the damned technology has gone beyond where even a reasonably intelligent person can keep up unless they paddle like the dickens.
Phew. Sorry about that. Didn't realise there was such a rant in me this morning. {Deep Breath}
The USB port at work, works. I'll upload the photos later. (such as they are!)
It's later. I'm at work and here are the pictures:

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