The "observer consciousness" part of me finds it very apt that this bowl has arisen from this desperate time of trying to hold everything together. Many tears fell onto this work. I followed some (very tattered) instincts and several times along the way I wanted to give up as I thought the result would be too ugly, but I can't sit and do nothing, so I just kept on - and now that it is done, I really like it, because... it speaks for me. It witnesses. It's proof. It's tatty and organic and raw and rich and chaotic and a lot like me. And I like it.
And that ought to make me feel good, so why, I wonder, do I still feel as though I am stumbling around in a very long, dark night....?

1 comment:
You may not see this in time but -
Something scrawled in a notebook somewhere "Blessed are the cracked for they let in the light".
Rest, regroup and rekindle yourself.
Smile at the moon tonight if you can an know people all over the world are holding kind thought for your well being.
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