Only FIVE posts in all of 2010. That's ... sad. Well, the only way from there is up; I'm now on TWO already. *rolling my eyes and grinning*
It's now been several months that I have had no impetus to create anything and yesterday I decided that I have to do *something* so I started fiddling with bits of fabric. Not inspired, just "moodling" as dedicated blogger Robyn of Art Propelled calls it. ( "So you see, the imagination needs moodling – long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling, and puttering." - Brenda Euland) Thanks for the advice, Robyn. :)
No I am not going to post photos of it. It is just "priming the pump" and doesn't look like anything. Instead I have a photo of a quilt I am making, well "making" is more like "occasionally working on", for my mom's bed.

I made the top before my creativity dried up. Rather crazily I decided to hand-quilt it. Why O why? There are SO many seams that I am quilting through 5 layers most of the time. It's been a long time since I last worked on something this big and it will be an even longer time till I do it again!
Such a colourful quilt, it's lovely!
My blog
j'aime beaucoup votre blog, vous créez de très jolies choses,
moi aussi je couds et je patch,
bisous, Christine, (France)
Wow that quilt is quite an undertaking but the joy it will bring your mom is priceless. I imagine waking up to the glorious colour every morning would set the tone for a glorious day.
moodling ... such a great word!
the quilt is looking great :)
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