- Anchor intention for the day. If I have none, the intention to be led.
- Express gratitude for a. what I already have and b. what I intend
- Surrender to outcome. Let Ines’ beautiful post-hypnotic suggestion run through my mind: “Every day, in every way, my wisdom and spiritual intuition grows and flows naturally and easily, through my every action, every word, every touch, every interaction with anyone and everyone I meet, as I soften, open and surrender to spirit.”
Thursday, December 6
Hello again, Geodon
We meet again, old friend and nemesis, with our love/hate relationship. I admit it was good last time, at least while it lasted. Have you been cozying up to the very nice psychiatrist I saw today, you sneaky substance, you? Oh well, I hope you can help me with this mixed episode, which has been jerking me around the last couple weeks and decided to flatten and make me non-functional in the last few days? I have a life to live, as you know, and a 5-day exam starting tomorrow morning. Having just swallowed a starting dose of 40mg, I'm thinking it'd be really awesome if you could get to work like *right now*!!?? And please leave me enough alert grey matter to be able to write something with at least a semblance of sense over the next few days.
Am I asking a lot? Yeah, yeah, that's what you said last time, while all 240mgs of you soaked into my brain every day. You came on a bit strong that time, let's just take it a bit slower now, ok? But you were good to me and you didn't carry out those threats of potential, horrible long-term side-effects from a relationship with you. Guess we'll be having (at least 500Kcal) candlelit dinners together for the next while. You do remember I'm polyamorous, don't you? Lamictal and Wellbutrin will be joining us, like before.
I'm surrounded by people who care about me, got an acute appointment on 2 days notice with a friendly and astute doctor who listened and agreed with my assessment; how lucky can a person be? Hmmmm, I guess, I'd be luckier *without* a mixed episode, but I'll take what I can get.
Am I asking a lot? Yeah, yeah, that's what you said last time, while all 240mgs of you soaked into my brain every day. You came on a bit strong that time, let's just take it a bit slower now, ok? But you were good to me and you didn't carry out those threats of potential, horrible long-term side-effects from a relationship with you. Guess we'll be having (at least 500Kcal) candlelit dinners together for the next while. You do remember I'm polyamorous, don't you? Lamictal and Wellbutrin will be joining us, like before.
I'm surrounded by people who care about me, got an acute appointment on 2 days notice with a friendly and astute doctor who listened and agreed with my assessment; how lucky can a person be? Hmmmm, I guess, I'd be luckier *without* a mixed episode, but I'll take what I can get.
Monday, August 13
I just came home tired and feel tearful. I am dreadfully anxious about the upcoming exam - and I am doing nothing about studying. I get so overwhelmed when I look at what has to be done, that I shut it all down. I know, I know, that doesn't make it better.
Sunday, August 12
I shall not live in vain
This isn’t an artwork as such, it's from many years back when I was doodling with some paint and found the quote. I just completed it yesterday. I've hung it on the back of my door, so I see it as I leave in the morning.
Reblog: Daily Spiritual Practice
I was looking around the net for some inspiration, for some short spiritual practices I can do first thing in the morning, to set the tone for the day (and frankly, some days, to give me courage to face the day!) to grow spiritually and to commit to maintaining my spiritual connection.
I found this website, Sumaiyawood that gave me some great ideas. Maybe you’ll find an idea you can relate to, as well?
Here’s what I decided on, which can be as short, or as long as I have time for:
Should be good!!
11 Aug 2018
Today I am grateful for:
1. Finding Ines and having the courage to ask to see her, her agreeing to see me, and the two sessions I was able to have with her.
2. Having my core spiritual soul part retrieved by my superconscious.
3. Meeting and having a spirit guide.
4. Synchronicity
1. Finding Ines and having the courage to ask to see her, her agreeing to see me, and the two sessions I was able to have with her.
2. Having my core spiritual soul part retrieved by my superconscious.
3. Meeting and having a spirit guide.
4. Synchronicity
Reblog: The Journey
The Journey
In June 2018, I had a spiritual awakening, of sorts.
I say “of sorts” because it was not a dramatic, new revelation, with a surge of the ecstasy one usually associates with this sort of experience. Rather, it was a quiet, yet very powerful, clarity – a recognition of, and reunion with, something once very familiar. The descriptions I found online of signs of ‘soul loss’ were very apt, although I was not familiar with the paradigm. The words ‘soul retrieval’ popped into my mind (I had to google that too) – this had brought a piece of me back, during a state of deep hypnotic trance. It was the part of myself that held my connection to spirit, to the transcendent. It wasn’t an instant flash of knowledge, my understanding developed quietly over a couple of days after, as I was paying attention to what arose. I experienced it as a healing, a sense of wholeness, of solid ground, of not-aloneness. The homecoming of what was, I slowly realised, a core piece of self.
I don’t know how this part was lost, all that time ago. I surmise it happened sometime during a long post-natal depression, after the birth of my second child, who is now 25 years old. I cherish the child, a precious gift, as was my first, but my life was not the same, afterwards. Depression is very erosive.
I had not gone looking for this lost part. I missed it on the odd occasion, a little envious of those who had it; it looked nice not to feel alone. I told myself it was a mass delusion, anyway. I had more immediate, long-standing but now pressing issues that were making life difficult, for which I was seeking help.
Some friends recommended I try hypnosis. I’d only heard of stage hypnosis (and ain’t nobody was going to get inside my mind…. ah, how the mighty have fallen) and I didn’t know there was such a thing as hypnotherapy, but it sounded good and I was desperate. I had a single, wonderful session, but it was too expensive to continue. However, I practically floated home afterwards, feeling absolutely fantastic. I was hooked, right there and then. (I’m told, you can become addicted to heroin on the first try, but why bother with drugs when there’s this powerful, totally safe, natural, even beneficial, way to feel this wonderful??)
I looked online for more and YouTube delivered. And delivered. I discovered you can do this on your own, just listening to a recording. That was in February, haven’t missed a single day since. Hypnojunkie, that’s me.
To cut a very, very long story short, I discovered a particular hypnotherapist, who had her own, unique and different (to what seems to be standard – I know next to nothing about this) method of doing hypnotherapy in deep trance states. I watched several videos of her working, and I intuitively knew this was IT. It wasn’t a case of “here’s something that might work”; I knew it would be transformative, before I had even experienced it. I’m not sure my intuition has ever been this strong before – or perhaps I hadn’t paid attention, or been this ready before. ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’? I received marching orders, and thankfully, this time I listened.
To cut an even longer story short, I got myself from Denmark to England, where she was. She’d consented to seeing me, even though she was on a European teaching tour. By that stage, I was a bit of a mess and couldn’t even sort out the tangle of issues I had, to articulate them. I basically handed myself over, to whatever was going to happen.
It was, to say the least, an intense and beyond incredible session, steered by my own ‘superconscious’ mind, accessible in deep trance and facilitated, not led, by her. She did not actually know what the issues were that we were dealing with, and with her method she didn’t need to.
Regaining my connection to spirit and my spiritual intuition was not what I went there for or had on my mind, nor was it specifically her intention. It came from my own ‘superconscious’ mind (by another name, ‘higher self’) who knew what I didn’t know consciously; that this was what I needed, at this time. This is what it brought up to be reintegrated and somehow, thankfully, at this time, I was ready and receptive. (There was much more, relating to the issues I’d sought her out for, but I’m focusing on this part, here.)
Over the days that followed, I found myself drawn to the things I found meaningful back then, paying attention to and following this intuition. I felt a contemplative humbleness, a sense of being led, a sense that everything was in good hands and was unfolding as it should. It gradually became clear to me, what it was I had regained and it was an emotional and very joyful reunion. (Amusingly, I was attracted to a dress, just like I used to wear then and bought it for her. I’m wearing her old jewellery; it’s quite funny, but it feels good.)
I’d pragmatically accepted a string of limitations and fixed beliefs about what was possible and impossible in my life; and like dominoes, once the first toppled, the rest followed. Rigid beliefs have a way of doing that; it’s wise not to cling too tightly. I’m not sure I know anything for certain anymore, but it’s all taken care of and I’m not fearful about following along. I have very little intellectual or conscious understanding, not even any memory, of what happened, or how. I was in deep trance in my own mind and all this came from within. Not knowing would have bothered me terribly before, but there is a ‘rightness’ to it, that is good enough for me (not that my curiosity isn’t piqued and I’m not reading everything I can find!) Although I hesitate to get superlative, preferring to understate and not make a fuss of such a deep, quietly joyful, personal event; I’d go so far as to call the experience profound. I’m excited to see how other areas of my life will be different, after this change.
So here I am, a month later, having started this new blog (I’ve blogged elsewhere since 2005) to make a spiritual practice of my beloved art-making, to surrender to and remain receptive to my spiritual intuition. I’m continually been shown new things and I am paying attention like never before, to what is communicated to me. I won’t lose this returned part of me again.
I’d love to make contact with others on the same journey, by whichever paradigm you understand it. Please feel free to make comments and leave your links if you’re documenting, so we can travel together.
Reblog: About me
About me
I’m 57 and live on an idyllic little island in Denmark, in a small section of a beautiful, converted farmhouse from 1748. Three years ago, I sold off house, car, furniture, and accumulated life-debris, packed what was precious to me, and moved back here, after 43 years of living in South Africa. In a while, I’ll identify myself by name; for now, this little seed, not only of the blog, but also the journey, has only just sprouted and needs to grow some roots and shoots, before it’s planted out in the sun.
I wish I was able to say I had arts education, an artistic career and lots of art experience. I don’t have any of those; I’ve had a string of jobs. I’m a registered nurse by education. I’ve done computer programming, data capture, database management and lecturing in IT. I managed a crafts workshop for disabled people. I was a clinical research coordinator in generic medicine research. A year ago, I even delivered newspapers and advertisement for a short while. I can’t seem to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. I’m studying again, with plans to be self-employed and work my own hours. Since my CV looks like the dog’s chewed-up old blanket and my age is not on my side, I’m hoping this will work out.
My avocation as artmaker has, however, been steady throughout. I work in textiles, fibres, surface design. Most of my art is autobiographical. When I am out among people, I focus on the outer world. When I am alone, I give attention to that which is within me. I don’t apologise for my work being self-absorbed. Maybe it will speak to others, who may recognise it mirroring what which is within themselves.
I make because I can’t not do it. My soul withers if I don’t. It is a spiritual imperative, to which I happily surrender. It consoles and heals me. It makes me come alive.
I do not attempt to make any money from it. It would be lovely – but the times I have tried to sell what I make, were filled with anxiety about making what I thought other people would buy. I took on a commission once, and promised myself, never again. Elizabeth Gilbert said it so well:
“I didn’t expect to make a living from writing. I never demanded that my writing, my art, support me. Instead, I made a commitment to do everything I could to support my art. I worked whatever job I had to so I could keep writing. I made a promise to my art, that I would always support it, I would make the sacrifices so we could be together.” -(Big Magic, creative living without fear – Elizabeth Gilbert)
I’m very introvert and thrive on living alone and small. Some of us do. I love the internet where I can be social and meet wonderful people, while being home alone. I battle with the human condition at times. I battle with myself at times. But often, I think to myself, “what a wonderful world; the colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky…”
I love the inscrutable ways of cats. I love forests, where the longings and aches of the soul grow still and calm, in the deep, quiet peace. I love rain.
I strive to live by these words:
“If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain;If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain,Or help one fainting robinUnto his nest again,I shall not live in vain.”
– Emily Dickinson
“In the noontime of my life, I shall look to the sunshine,
At a moment in my life, when the sky is blue
And the question I shall ask will remain unchanging
Was I brave and strong and true?
Did I fill the world with love, my whole life through?
– Petula Clark
Name change of other blog - Art Heart Spirit
I decided to rename and re-url my other blog - somehow 'Our Golden Threads' niggled at me. It's now called 'Art Heart Spirit', which I'm much happier with. I'll still post the more personal stuff here, but what I am happy being open about, will go there.
Tuesday, July 24
Overflowing heart
Next to the church graveyard in Tranebjerg is a little... 'lund' - I see the English word is "grove" but that implies that it is cultivated, which it isn't, it's a little mini-forest.
My favorite places in all the world are the Danish forests. I leave for the city tomorrow, so I went to commune with nature one last time, while it's still summer. All the seasons are beautiful in a forest, but summer, with its abundant, deep green life and birdsong is, I think, the best.
Cannot describe how wonderful it was. And when you have regained your connection with the transcendent, it can become a very reverent experience. At least that's how it was. I felt an immense amount of gratitude. And quiet, peaceful joy. And I feel ready to go back and tackle the difficult everyday at school and upcoming exams.
My favorite places in all the world are the Danish forests. I leave for the city tomorrow, so I went to commune with nature one last time, while it's still summer. All the seasons are beautiful in a forest, but summer, with its abundant, deep green life and birdsong is, I think, the best.
Cannot describe how wonderful it was. And when you have regained your connection with the transcendent, it can become a very reverent experience. At least that's how it was. I felt an immense amount of gratitude. And quiet, peaceful joy. And I feel ready to go back and tackle the difficult everyday at school and upcoming exams.
“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” - Dumbledore
- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Monday, July 23
Found this
I went through a pile of old WIPs (Works In Progress, euphemism for started but never completed) of which I have many piles. This seemed so very apt, so I'm quilting and completing it.
Was going to return to Randers and Brutal Reality tomorrow, but have given myself an extra day here at home. REALLY do not feel like going back.
Was going to return to Randers and Brutal Reality tomorrow, but have given myself an extra day here at home. REALLY do not feel like going back.
Saturday, July 21
Deeper and deeper 2 completed
Deeper and deeper 2
50 x 51 cm
The theme for this one is fractionation.
("Fractionation is based on the principle that when you take a person in and out of trance, they tend to go more deeply into trance when you take them back in. Thus when you have them open their eyes, you are breaking their state."
http://trancedout.com/blog/the-modified-dave-elman-induction-steps-and-explanation/ )
Text for "Du kan gøre"
"Everything you try
how you live
a world in pain
a room without light,
Something should have told you,
how much more, love loses
when it fears loss
You can do what you like
but never betray those
who live in your soul
You can do what you like
but never betray those
you love
Even more intensely personal than the recent works, this is from a song, sung by Christian Brøns, and written about a friend who committed suicide. It's my formal promise to my daughters and my mom, that, though I tried 32 years ago, I won't ever do that again.
Wednesday, July 18
Problem - works are intensely personal
I have a problem with the works that have been pouring from me, since I saw Ines. They are intensely personal and private. They have words written on them, which I haven't done before, but that makes them very revealing of what is happening with me. And I am not ready to talk about what happened.
So I can "publish" them here, but not on my Facebook page. When will I feel comfortable about showing them? I don't know. Maybe everything just needs to settle within me first. I'll go back to finish my course and let them trickle out to the world, slowly. I will keep making what I can manage (there are still many I've conceived ideas for, already), but I don't plan to show them anywhere but here.
I'm just not comfortable talking about how I had a spiritual experience and feel back in touch with the world of spirit and that which is greater than ourselves. I didn't get "born again" or "saved", I didn't hear God speak to me. I didn't see or meet God. I'm not some incarnation of anybody, or have any special mission (beyond the one we all have, to be good, kind human beings).
What I did feel, was a sense of the presence of what I think of as my Spirit Guide, in my mind. I conceive her as a being of light, in human form. All white light, but a warm, muted white light, not the harsh kind of white light that blinds your eyes. I cannot see her face, but she radiates great patience, gentleness and love. She has soft hands and places her fingers very gently on my eyelids when I cry, to soothe them. She stands behind me and puts her hands on my shoulders to infuse me with her light. It has been incredibly healing and it feels like a sort of home-coming to reconnect with a world of what is greater than our physical senses perceive. She is enough proof to me that the spirit world is real. I didn't conjure her up. She popped into my mind, but she didn't come from inside myself. She came to me in a trance, listening to a self hypnosis recording, Ines has on her website.
I listen to those 2 recordings on this page almost every day. I spend some time listening, trying to sense what she has to tell me. She doesn't speak, but thoughts pop up in my head from her.
What has also made me know this is real, are the incredible synchronicities occurring everywhere, now. I was watching a YouTube video about someone who had a Near-Death Experience and suddenly he said something, which spoke so directly to what I am living right now, I said out loud "you're talking to me right now, aren't you?" I stopped the tape. Three words: Gratitude, Faith, Compassion.
Then there's the fact that, just yesterday, I was offered the opportunity to buy a complete, well-functioning clinic right here, once I finish my course. Space, equipment, health department provider number and client base. All I need to do is take bookings and start working. It's startling, very startling. But that is a story for another post.
So many other things just seem to happen and become apparent, because I am receptive, listening and watching, intuiting. Seeming co-incidences, but they're not. All quite mind-blowing and while I am still busy with integrating everything, I am not willing to talk openly about it to anyone around me.
So the work will be kept under wraps and released gradually, once I feel comfortable with my new (regained) world view.
So I can "publish" them here, but not on my Facebook page. When will I feel comfortable about showing them? I don't know. Maybe everything just needs to settle within me first. I'll go back to finish my course and let them trickle out to the world, slowly. I will keep making what I can manage (there are still many I've conceived ideas for, already), but I don't plan to show them anywhere but here.
I'm just not comfortable talking about how I had a spiritual experience and feel back in touch with the world of spirit and that which is greater than ourselves. I didn't get "born again" or "saved", I didn't hear God speak to me. I didn't see or meet God. I'm not some incarnation of anybody, or have any special mission (beyond the one we all have, to be good, kind human beings).
What I did feel, was a sense of the presence of what I think of as my Spirit Guide, in my mind. I conceive her as a being of light, in human form. All white light, but a warm, muted white light, not the harsh kind of white light that blinds your eyes. I cannot see her face, but she radiates great patience, gentleness and love. She has soft hands and places her fingers very gently on my eyelids when I cry, to soothe them. She stands behind me and puts her hands on my shoulders to infuse me with her light. It has been incredibly healing and it feels like a sort of home-coming to reconnect with a world of what is greater than our physical senses perceive. She is enough proof to me that the spirit world is real. I didn't conjure her up. She popped into my mind, but she didn't come from inside myself. She came to me in a trance, listening to a self hypnosis recording, Ines has on her website.
I listen to those 2 recordings on this page almost every day. I spend some time listening, trying to sense what she has to tell me. She doesn't speak, but thoughts pop up in my head from her.
What has also made me know this is real, are the incredible synchronicities occurring everywhere, now. I was watching a YouTube video about someone who had a Near-Death Experience and suddenly he said something, which spoke so directly to what I am living right now, I said out loud "you're talking to me right now, aren't you?" I stopped the tape. Three words: Gratitude, Faith, Compassion.
Then there's the fact that, just yesterday, I was offered the opportunity to buy a complete, well-functioning clinic right here, once I finish my course. Space, equipment, health department provider number and client base. All I need to do is take bookings and start working. It's startling, very startling. But that is a story for another post.
So many other things just seem to happen and become apparent, because I am receptive, listening and watching, intuiting. Seeming co-incidences, but they're not. All quite mind-blowing and while I am still busy with integrating everything, I am not willing to talk openly about it to anyone around me.
So the work will be kept under wraps and released gradually, once I feel comfortable with my new (regained) world view.
Yesterday, I committed myself to buying a fully up-and-running podiatry clinic. Lock, stock and barrel, complete with provider number, which ensures a guaranteed client base, because I will get the (subsidised) doctors' referrals.
I can't write any more right now. It's too huge for me to talk about it yet.
I can't write any more right now. It's too huge for me to talk about it yet.
Det er koldt herinde (It is cold inside)
This was left on my design wall last time I was here, not sewed together, so I had to complete it before I could start on the current spate of works.
Det er koldt herinde
It is cold in here
112 x 112cm
The text is a corruption of a Danish song "It is cold out there", about winter.
I have written:
"Det er koldt herinde
Kun med sagte sus fra vinden
melder Håbet sig i sprækkens træk."
As poetry it doesn't translate well, and since I have kept much of the structure of the original, it doesn't have the same impact in English, but it says
"It is cold in here
only with soft whistling of the wind
Hope appears in the crack's draught.
And it was started in December last year, in the Christmas holiday, when the depression began.
I've begun another blog.
Yes, I have. It's madness to have two to keep up! But I mean to make "I Art Therefore I Am" my own journal and keep it private. The other one will be public.
It's called "Our Golden Threads", subtitled "Artmaking as Spiritual Practice". I won't put the link here yet, as it's under construction and there are just drafts everywhere in the setup structure and pages. It's over on Wordpress.
I've called it "Our" golden threads, as I'd love to have a bit of a community going there in the future, where we can inspire each other in Artmaking as a spiritual practice.
I'm madly inspired by Jude Hill of Spirit Cloth (who has a similar blog running; her work is very different to mine) and Robyn Gordon of Art Propelled.
My summer holiday will soon draw to a close. See my very, very sad face. Back to reality, back to no time to make art, back to getting down again because I have no time to make art, back to tons of material I have to get into my head, exams to pass and worse of all the practical in the clinic that I am so NOT good at. Why am I doing this to myself???? But just 9 months to go - then I'll have a baby!
UPDATE: I've moved it to Blogger and renamed it "Mended Cloth".
It's called "Our Golden Threads", subtitled "Artmaking as Spiritual Practice". I won't put the link here yet, as it's under construction and there are just drafts everywhere in the setup structure and pages. It's over on Wordpress.
I've called it "Our" golden threads, as I'd love to have a bit of a community going there in the future, where we can inspire each other in Artmaking as a spiritual practice.
I'm madly inspired by Jude Hill of Spirit Cloth (who has a similar blog running; her work is very different to mine) and Robyn Gordon of Art Propelled.
My summer holiday will soon draw to a close. See my very, very sad face. Back to reality, back to no time to make art, back to getting down again because I have no time to make art, back to tons of material I have to get into my head, exams to pass and worse of all the practical in the clinic that I am so NOT good at. Why am I doing this to myself???? But just 9 months to go - then I'll have a baby!
UPDATE: I've moved it to Blogger and renamed it "Mended Cloth".
Well, the top is finished. Who knows when it will get quilted and completely finished..... :D
Stitched on the way there:
Stitched on the way home:
Stitched just after coming home:
114 x 106cm
Journey, piecing detail
I started stitching when I began the journey to Portsmouth to see Ines. I stitched on the way home and finished the text shortly after I came home.
Stitched on the way home:
Stitched just after coming home:
On the road between the hotel where I saw her and the train station, I found this. Feathers are always handy to imbue with all sorts of meaning!
Soul Fragments 1
This was just a "sketch" for a bigger one, I'm planning, but then I thought I may as well finish it.
It's about my soul retrieval.
It's about my soul retrieval.
Soul Fragments 1
20 x 30cm
What came back to me, was the core, my spirituality, from which the illumination radiates. Stitched with golden thread, from which the name of my other blog derives.
The colour Red
The colour Red
69 x 69cm
This is from the script of one of Ines' self-hypnosis audios. Specifically one that deals with spirituality. Near the end, there's a post-hypnotic suggestion that whenever you see the colour red, you will internalise the words (below). It embeds even better when you write it out and put it up...!

Monday, July 16
BP and spirituality
I googled the subject and found some good articles.
The best, is this one: 4 spiritual traps of bipolar disorder.
In fact it's brilliant. It talks of the 4 traps and the antidote for each.
The best, is this one: 4 spiritual traps of bipolar disorder.
In fact it's brilliant. It talks of the 4 traps and the antidote for each.
1. Grandiosity. Antidote: Humility.
2. Isolation. Antidote: Community.
3. Urgency. Antidote: Trust.
4. Perfectionism. Antidote: Compassion.
And here are 2 more articles
And just so there's a picture in the post as well, here's the start of something I haven't yet thought through, just embroidered the words for:
Thursday, July 12
In a nutshell...
I had a transformative experience. Something has shifted within me. You know how you are the same person as the day before, yet have become much more? Nothing has changed but everything is different?
I am not sure I will be able to explain this to anyone. I suspect I will lose most, if not all, people along the way, as I start to speak about things outside people's paradigms. Or maybe I just think so because they were outside my own, and if I had heard someone say this before it happened to me, I would have thought they'd lost their mind.
I've been mining YouTube for hypnosis videos and audios. Doing self-hypnosis every day. Then I found this hypnotist, see.............
She has developed a new technique for hypnotherapy, working in much deeper states of trance than is usual and I watched several of her videos. I cannot even describe what a powerful reaction I had. My mind blew wide open. I KNEW, with a wisdom far beyond my own, that this was IT. Her name is Ines Simpson, her technique, Simpson Protocol.

I scoured her websites and saw she was on a teaching tour in Europe. I wrote to her asking if she would see me as a client. I don't know how I found the courage to do that (!), but I was driven by something beyond my puny little conscious mind. I cannot even describe how driven I felt; I was being led by something. Long story short (and it is long, but I'll expand later, just want to get this down) she said I could meet her in Portsmouth the following Monday morning 9.30. I booked flights and 2 days later I set off on the journey to England. In her hotel room, just before she left there, we had a session. It was long, over 2 hours, and I was dazed and exhausted afterwards.
What happened? I remember very little. For a good week after I was in a daze, feeling things shifting and processing in my head, beyond my understanding, but letting it happen. It felt very benign and I trusted it was right. I was prepared to be led. Day by day, my mind blew more and more.
For a long time, I've been yearning for that connection; for the ability to believe in something greater than myself. I had it once but I've not been able to let myself believe. I've found myself envying those with faith. Even if I suspected they were deluded, I envied the serenity and the meaning they had.
It was not what I went to Portsmouth to find, not at all. I was depressed, overwhelmed by negativity and looking for help for my spectacular lack of self-esteem. But what I thought I needed, was not what my higher mind knew I needed. I went to find some mental and emotional help, and what I got was my spirituality back. This was not anything led by Ines at all, she merely facilitates what the Higher Mind wants to work on. Though I didn't know it consciously, this foundation was what I needed.
YES, it looks like a hypomania. And yes, it feels much the same as hypomania feels, in some respects. Spiritual revelations, insights, expansiveness, overflowing love, connection and gratitude. But just because it may bear resemblance to hypomania, does not mean it has to be hypomania. It's a spiritual re-awakening, which feels the same. The difference is in how grounded I feel. How the feelings are arising from a deeply restful place within me. My spirit soars, but it is bound to the earth by a golden thread, so it will not fly off to the sun and then crash and burn.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I've been mining YouTube for hypnosis videos and audios. Doing self-hypnosis every day. Then I found this hypnotist, see.............
She has developed a new technique for hypnotherapy, working in much deeper states of trance than is usual and I watched several of her videos. I cannot even describe what a powerful reaction I had. My mind blew wide open. I KNEW, with a wisdom far beyond my own, that this was IT. Her name is Ines Simpson, her technique, Simpson Protocol.

I scoured her websites and saw she was on a teaching tour in Europe. I wrote to her asking if she would see me as a client. I don't know how I found the courage to do that (!), but I was driven by something beyond my puny little conscious mind. I cannot even describe how driven I felt; I was being led by something. Long story short (and it is long, but I'll expand later, just want to get this down) she said I could meet her in Portsmouth the following Monday morning 9.30. I booked flights and 2 days later I set off on the journey to England. In her hotel room, just before she left there, we had a session. It was long, over 2 hours, and I was dazed and exhausted afterwards.
What happened? I remember very little. For a good week after I was in a daze, feeling things shifting and processing in my head, beyond my understanding, but letting it happen. It felt very benign and I trusted it was right. I was prepared to be led. Day by day, my mind blew more and more.
Another long story short: she did soul retrieval. I had heard the term long ago and dismissed it as far too "out-there", but I did not need to do anything in the session but let it happen. And over the days after, I realized a piece of my soul had come back. A piece I lost some... 25 years? ago. The piece of me that held my spiritual connection.
For a long time, I've been yearning for that connection; for the ability to believe in something greater than myself. I had it once but I've not been able to let myself believe. I've found myself envying those with faith. Even if I suspected they were deluded, I envied the serenity and the meaning they had.
It was not what I went to Portsmouth to find, not at all. I was depressed, overwhelmed by negativity and looking for help for my spectacular lack of self-esteem. But what I thought I needed, was not what my higher mind knew I needed. I went to find some mental and emotional help, and what I got was my spirituality back. This was not anything led by Ines at all, she merely facilitates what the Higher Mind wants to work on. Though I didn't know it consciously, this foundation was what I needed.
So here I am now. It's a tender little seed, just planted, just starting to grow roots. I am gently and quietly nurturing it. My spirit is soaring. Art is pouring out of me, much faster than I can get all the ideas into physical form.
YES, it looks like a hypomania. And yes, it feels much the same as hypomania feels, in some respects. Spiritual revelations, insights, expansiveness, overflowing love, connection and gratitude. But just because it may bear resemblance to hypomania, does not mean it has to be hypomania. It's a spiritual re-awakening, which feels the same. The difference is in how grounded I feel. How the feelings are arising from a deeply restful place within me. My spirit soars, but it is bound to the earth by a golden thread, so it will not fly off to the sun and then crash and burn.
And I know the long, long hours of daylight in summer mean I sleep less than I should. I'm not doing it deliberately, my body clock is exquisitely attuned to the light outside, even if blocked by blackout curtains. So, less sleep also helps my spirit soar. But I KNOW this is not just a hypomania. Something has shifted inside me.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Sunday, July 8
So much to say...
So much has happened since last I wrote, I could write walls of text. How to condense it? This blog is not meant to be a journal of my every thought and feeling and every event in my life. It's about my art and how it is informed.
But when a dramatically altering event has happened and so much develops within, in a short space of time - and will inform most all of the art I am, and will be making, at least in the next while - it needs to be mentioned. I've thought and thought and written some, but there is no way to shorten all that happened. I will have to write it in "headings and subheadings" form.
And I'm sorry to do this, but I am going to publish this now. I hate cliffhangers myself, so will try hard to write more very soon. It's just that my mind is blown and I've needed, and still need, to let everything settle.
But when a dramatically altering event has happened and so much develops within, in a short space of time - and will inform most all of the art I am, and will be making, at least in the next while - it needs to be mentioned. I've thought and thought and written some, but there is no way to shorten all that happened. I will have to write it in "headings and subheadings" form.
And I'm sorry to do this, but I am going to publish this now. I hate cliffhangers myself, so will try hard to write more very soon. It's just that my mind is blown and I've needed, and still need, to let everything settle.
Tuesday, June 19
If I absolutely have to put a name to this state:
I'm either rapid-cycling or mixed, I think. It feels like what is happening now, careering around the mood spectrum. Not extremely, and not so the general public would notice. (So fear not, neurotypicals, she's not about to freak out and scare you!) It isn't important what you call it - which is only really relevant for medication - but it does help me understand what is going on, and helps me know, not to take it too much to heart. It is what it is and this is how it is, now.
What has happened is that I took my mood stabilizer dose down, a while back, because I was in such a dumbed-down brain fog, that nothing in class was penetrating my understanding. I had to do that, to continue my course. But logically, it isn't stabilising quite so well now. It's the dose I used to be on and which worked great before, but now there is stress added on top, and it isn't quite enough. Yet, I can't see what else I can do. Since Wellbutrin isn't used for depression here, my doc doesn't know how to dose it for depression. His locum put it up to the higher dose, and it suits me this way. Since I am in another part of the country, I can't expect my poor doc to treat me over the phone. So I just took the lamotrigine down myself.
So am I caught between a rock and a hard place? Actually, I don't think so. I quite like it here. I'm on the sad side, and highly emotional - all over the place - but this is when I am at my most creative. I feel my emotions so much more deeply. As hard as it can be, how wonderful is this? I've been in this position before, and if I can walk this little tightrope and not fall off, I'll just stick with it. My head is brimming with ideas! Being on the down side, the ideas are a lot of the things I wanted to express while depressed, but was too depressed to make at the time. I have compiled a playlist of sad, evocative songs on YouTube, which I play often, which heightens the emotions, heightening the creativity. Add the daily hypnotic trances to this mix, and yup, I'm on my own "druggy trip" on my very own brain chemicals, while still taking the ones I take to balance those chemicals! Summer holiday is 3 days away; woohoo... you can see where I am going to go with this (possibly a little recklessly, but not toooo much).
Now I have that problem of my medium being too slow for when my mind is moving fast, as far as ideas are concerned. I MUST at some stage, find a faster medium, that I can toss ideas at, and capture as they arise. I could then translate them into slower-to-make textile works once I slow down again.
Meanwhile I can start embroidering the text for the next, after the next, in between the one after that, (a text from an old song by a Danish singer called Christian) on this lovely, mottley, yellowy-beige, Bali fabric background.
... to the backdrop of this beautiful sight and sound:
What has happened is that I took my mood stabilizer dose down, a while back, because I was in such a dumbed-down brain fog, that nothing in class was penetrating my understanding. I had to do that, to continue my course. But logically, it isn't stabilising quite so well now. It's the dose I used to be on and which worked great before, but now there is stress added on top, and it isn't quite enough. Yet, I can't see what else I can do. Since Wellbutrin isn't used for depression here, my doc doesn't know how to dose it for depression. His locum put it up to the higher dose, and it suits me this way. Since I am in another part of the country, I can't expect my poor doc to treat me over the phone. So I just took the lamotrigine down myself.
So am I caught between a rock and a hard place? Actually, I don't think so. I quite like it here. I'm on the sad side, and highly emotional - all over the place - but this is when I am at my most creative. I feel my emotions so much more deeply. As hard as it can be, how wonderful is this? I've been in this position before, and if I can walk this little tightrope and not fall off, I'll just stick with it. My head is brimming with ideas! Being on the down side, the ideas are a lot of the things I wanted to express while depressed, but was too depressed to make at the time. I have compiled a playlist of sad, evocative songs on YouTube, which I play often, which heightens the emotions, heightening the creativity. Add the daily hypnotic trances to this mix, and yup, I'm on my own "druggy trip" on my very own brain chemicals, while still taking the ones I take to balance those chemicals! Summer holiday is 3 days away; woohoo... you can see where I am going to go with this (possibly a little recklessly, but not toooo much).
Now I have that problem of my medium being too slow for when my mind is moving fast, as far as ideas are concerned. I MUST at some stage, find a faster medium, that I can toss ideas at, and capture as they arise. I could then translate them into slower-to-make textile works once I slow down again.
Meanwhile I can start embroidering the text for the next, after the next, in between the one after that, (a text from an old song by a Danish singer called Christian) on this lovely, mottley, yellowy-beige, Bali fabric background.
... to the backdrop of this beautiful sight and sound:
Sunday, June 17
Deeper and Deeper 2 in progress
... is coming along nicely. I'm quilting it now, so not too much longer and it will be done.
I found a wonderful picture for the next couple in the series, as the same old spiral is getting a bit old now. :)
I found a wonderful picture for the next couple in the series, as the same old spiral is getting a bit old now. :)
Sig nærmer tiden
One of my next works, will have these very evocative words inscribed on them:
("The time is coming when I must go away.")
I just began today, and will do a translation once it is getting along. And also a bit of an explanation of what is behind it.
Mig bæres for, som ret snart i kvæld
at Gitterværket vil briste;
Thi kvidre vil jeg et ømt Farvel;
måske det bliver det sidste.
("The time is coming when I must go away.")
I just began today, and will do a translation once it is getting along. And also a bit of an explanation of what is behind it.
Sig nærmer Tiden, da jeg må væk,
jeg hører Vinterens Stemme;
Thi også jeg er kun her på Træk,
og haver andensteds hjemme.
Jeg skulle sjunget lidt mer' måske -
måske vel også lidt bedre;
Men mørke Dage jeg måtte se,
og Storme rev mine Fjædre.
Tit ligevel til en Smule Trøst
jeg ud af Fængselet titter,
Og sender stundom min Vemodsrøst
med længsel gennem mit Gitter.
jeg hører Vinterens Stemme;
Thi også jeg er kun her på Træk,
og haver andensteds hjemme.
Jeg skulle sjunget lidt mer' måske -
måske vel også lidt bedre;
Men mørke Dage jeg måtte se,
og Storme rev mine Fjædre.
Tit ligevel til en Smule Trøst
jeg ud af Fængselet titter,
Og sender stundom min Vemodsrøst
med længsel gennem mit Gitter.
Mig bæres for, som ret snart i kvæld
at Gitterværket vil briste;
Thi kvidre vil jeg et ømt Farvel;
måske det bliver det sidste.
(- St.St. Blicher 1837)
Wednesday, June 13
Way back...
I used to cry to this song, when I was 15 or 16 and feeling lost, alone and afraid, and it seemed that no-one understood. Somehow it helped.
So tired of this rollercoaster
" ...and I, tread a troubled track
My odds are stacked
I go back to black." -- Amy Winehouse
My odds are stacked
I go back to black." -- Amy Winehouse
Sunday, June 10
Sunday morning
I wake up, though I could have wished for more sleep, I have coffee and then sink into listening to the self-hypnosis recordings I have downloaded from the magical internet.
Rejuvenated, I open my curtains to this, with a wonderfully cool breeze and birdsong. Life is harsh and unrelenting, but oh! - it is also wondrous and beautiful.
I have homework to be done, but I have neglected my blog, too, so let me update.
I finished the beading on 'Deeper and deeper 2'. I wrote a far-too-long hypnotic script and calculated I'd need to write 3 letters per cm, to fit it all into the 334cm I have. I took many deep breaths, picked up and put down the pen about 4 times, gathered all my courage and began to write. Why all this stress? Because ALL the beading was done, and I could not make a single mistake with the paint on the fabric. Very tensely, I wrote the whole outer ring.The irony of being so tense while writing about relaxation, did not escape me!
Then looked at it and it was ALL wrong. I had to cramp the letters so close together to fit in all the text, that it gave the feel of words-running-into-each-other-spokenfast-and-pressured - ANYTHING but the relaxed feeling it needed to have! Then came that familiar, stomach-dropping feeling of "I put all this work in and now it's ruined"... Bundled the stupid thing up and stuck it on a shelf for a few days!
Now what? The text couldn't be erased. Or so, I thought! I discovered that I could paint over it in black - you can faintly see it was there, but that will be disguised when the new text comes on. Saved! O, happy day.
Rejuvenated, I open my curtains to this, with a wonderfully cool breeze and birdsong. Life is harsh and unrelenting, but oh! - it is also wondrous and beautiful.
I have homework to be done, but I have neglected my blog, too, so let me update.
I finished the beading on 'Deeper and deeper 2'. I wrote a far-too-long hypnotic script and calculated I'd need to write 3 letters per cm, to fit it all into the 334cm I have. I took many deep breaths, picked up and put down the pen about 4 times, gathered all my courage and began to write. Why all this stress? Because ALL the beading was done, and I could not make a single mistake with the paint on the fabric. Very tensely, I wrote the whole outer ring.The irony of being so tense while writing about relaxation, did not escape me!
Then looked at it and it was ALL wrong. I had to cramp the letters so close together to fit in all the text, that it gave the feel of words-running-into-each-other-spokenfast-and-pressured - ANYTHING but the relaxed feeling it needed to have! Then came that familiar, stomach-dropping feeling of "I put all this work in and now it's ruined"... Bundled the stupid thing up and stuck it on a shelf for a few days!
Now what? The text couldn't be erased. Or so, I thought! I discovered that I could paint over it in black - you can faintly see it was there, but that will be disguised when the new text comes on. Saved! O, happy day.
Then, I cut the text in half. There were 2 parts to it anyway, so that was ok, and it gave me some space to flesh out the first part. Then followed some maths - first simple and then complex, with the aid of my daughter, because my brain is putty.
I wonder if anyone who looks at it, will appreciate the amount of calculating involved, counting words, letters, punctuation, spaces and cms available! As in: 334cm in which to write, 610 characters, 109 words, 119 spaces... AND I wanted the spaces to be bigger than the letters. My daughter created a clever spreadsheet with variables, so I can do this calculation easier next time. For this time, I have 0.5cm per letter/punctuation mark and 0.7cm per inter-word space. This provides a guideline, which I can then adjust while I am writing.
All the calculation is necessary, not only to fit the text into the spiral so that it fills all the way to the middle, not over or under. It's also to know how to space the words out, so that when you read it, it reads with the meter of the person saying the words. This means greater spaces between some words, taking a little longer for your eye to run across, to create the pauses you would otherwise hear. To translate the feeling of the auditory into the visual. This is why the previous, squashed text totally failed.
Last night I finished blacking out the text I had written. Hopefully I'll get time today, to begin writing the new text on.
You can't see the blacked-out text at the bottom, can you? No. Say no! 😁
Onwards, deeper down.
Now working on the second 'Deeper and Deeper'. I've not written the text yet, and there is not space for very much, so what can I write on it? I have just about 300cm of running line space. The first one was an abbreviated induction, with what text I could fit into 336cm. I'd originally conceived the series to be spanning over a whole hypnotherapy session, with each successive work containing the next part, in a continuation. But each work should also be a whole in itself, So now I am not sure what to do, but I have plenty of time to mull it over while I do the wonderfully meditative hand beading.
(I wrote the above about 2 weeks ago. Can't think why I didn't publish it back then?? But I will do so now, as it shows where I was in the process at that time.)
Wednesday, May 30
At last, it is done
Stumme skrig, tørre tårer
Silent screams, dry tears
Randers, 2018
Detail picture

I feel very relieved that this one is done. It's one I will show to very few people. The text on it, is poetry I wrote (in danish) and it's not something I am all that comfortable with just anyone reading. At least not until I can say it is firmly in the past. I'm not sure I like it much (ok, I don't like it much!) but it is one of the less beautiful things that also need to be heard.
It tells of how I felt, after I had some (very) teary breakdowns at school and some teachers and the Head rallied around and said they'd get me help, which essentially consisted of being put on the waiting list to see a psychologist (I will be very lucky to have that happen before I am finished the course). Not saying they weren't sweet and sympathetic; I did get to chat with one of the lecturers who taught us psychology a few times, but then after that, there was just nothing, and what I felt was an avoidance - a smile and hello in the corridor, but not asking how I was doing or anything. I think I might have freaked them out a bit! So the poetry is about feeling rather left in the lurch.
I am onto the next work, in the Deeper and Deeper series, which is being worked on while I watch either hypnosis lectures or Morse/Lewis reruns on YouTube. I'll put up a picture of it, in the next post. AND I am getting studying done as well! (with help from a great "stop-procrastinating" hypnosis track I bought online.) Things are ok for now.
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