
Tuesday, July 24

Overflowing heart

Next to the church graveyard in Tranebjerg is a little... 'lund' - I see the English word is "grove" but that implies that it is cultivated, which it isn't, it's a little mini-forest.

My favorite places in all the world are the Danish forests. I leave for the city tomorrow, so I went to commune with nature one last time, while it's still summer. All the seasons are beautiful in a forest, but summer, with its abundant, deep green life and birdsong is, I think, the best.

Cannot describe how wonderful it was. And when you have regained your connection with the transcendent, it can become a very reverent experience. At least that's how it was. I felt an immense amount of gratitude. And quiet, peaceful joy. And I feel ready to go back and tackle the difficult everyday at school and upcoming exams.

“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” - Dumbledore

- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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