
Sunday, November 15

An easy Sunday

I picked up this work from when I was in hospital in 2007, during what I can now see was a mixed episode. I was very depressed, but did a remarkable amount of quite frenzied art during that time, not exactly typical of my down times. Each square is an individual quiltlet 10x10 cm. I've been pinning them in various combinations onto my polystyrene design board. It's all still very much "in-progress".
I don't know where this is going, but I am thoroughly enjoying the journey! This intuitive working is a bit of a leap of faith. I'm a hard taskmaster, so I must say it's wonderful to just ignore that inner critic and go ahead and PLAY and remember there's no such thing as wrong.

Why is that so hard to learn? Or to remember? Why such guilt associated with FUN?
"I command you to have fun. Now!"

1 comment:

ArtPropelled said...

I don't know but we all do it! We need reminders to have fun. I'm so happy you are obeying your own orders. These piece is progressing nicely. Continue to enjoy your journey because it shows.