A while back there were
these very successful (in my estimation) dyed cloths that I did while in hospital. They have been lying around whispering to me, but I wasn't really listening.
Until a few days ago.

It began when
Melody Johnson moved to Tennessee (the butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon and on the other side of the world someone makes a quilt!) and posted pics of room layouts. I spied a quilt over a chair in one picture and asked her to let us have a better look. I regret not being able to supply a link to the post showing the quilt, but if you go
here and scroll down to November 26, you will see it.

I had that picture in the back of my mind when I got out this fabric, but deliberately didn't go back and look at it as I wanted to try and make something with the same... um... i don't know what...
feel, or
mood, perhaps, but not just a copy. I started with the triangles and then cut strips and just moved everything around and around until the following emerged:

It's not completely finished, but my day job is cramping my time and by 5pm I am just too tired to do much. Will post a pic when done.
Meanwhile, I want to THANK Melody whose blog was the inspiration for me to start my own blog and from whom I have learnt SO much, just quietly reading away and trying her things out. Had to laugh the other day when I was reading: Melody, you say you have retired from teaching, but your blog is a series of one lesson after the other - I guess old habits die hard, huh? ;)
1 comment:
Wow!!thank you! I am thrilled to have connected with you and see what it has inspired. Wonderful. Isn't this all so fun?
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