Following the loss of our much loved Bobby and Smudge, we decided we needed more kittiness in our lives. I hereby present {drumroll, please.....!}
MICKEY: currently known as Mickey the Mite, since he's as small as a mouse, almost. He will become Mighty Mickey once he grows up.

SNAPE: mostly known as Snoopy for now, since he's also still little

and MATTHEW, also known as Tiger, since that was his previous name and is the one he actually responds to. When he feels like it.

He's fully grown and was the rascal who just bewitched us at the SPCA and MADE us take him home. As you can see he moved right in and made himself at home. A real Thomas O'Malley, except that he is still sleek and only has one battle scar, a nick on his one ear. He has been singing duets with the other Tiger who lives next door, as they eye each other very suspiciously.
I fear I am falling in love with Mickey. He is SOOOOO affectionate and purry. I say "fear" because I know the hurt will be greater if there is more kitty-loss in our future (we've had a bad run), but it's better to have loved and lost and all that...
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