Of course I didn't follow the instructions exactly, as I always think I can see another way. All I can say is that next time I WILL be doing it just as she says, as I now understand WHY. But I always have to pick the hard path to learning.
Welcome to my reality, my attempt to make sense of life and the human condition through artistic expression. My blog is primarily about my fibre art, which reflects my feelings, experiences, and thoughts. Inevitably, mental turmoil comes into it, as it informs much of my work.
Reality is never absolute, and each person’s interpretation of reality is unique, and equally valid. When one’s reality is that of a ‘different drum’, not shared by many, one can feel isolated and alienated in the world, and withdraw, feeling not-understood. I am awed by art’s power to bridge this divide, and to communicate, connect and bring understanding where previously there was separation and alienation; where we were ships passing in the night.
If my work strikes a chord with another person, I feel heard, and it is my fervent wish that the reality of the viewer is likewise validated.
OH! You are a bad influence. ;) Now I know what I'll do with my new fabrics!!
I shall take that as a compliment. Thank you!
Btw, this was what I was looking for the Peltex for. I think I have found some, at least I found thick, stiff batting, which I think will serve the function.
It was fun to make. Now I'm wondering how much folks would be willing to pay for these and whether they'd be worth making...
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