I was looking at my bag of scrap-scraps (bits of fabric and thread that are too small to do anything with, such as the 5cm ends of threads you cut off when piecing or teeny bits of fabric cut off when squaring off etc - I keep everything) and I've figured out another way to use them.
Ingredients: Aforementioned scraps and some spools of thread (do not use your nice threads - the very cheap ones are fine.) You can use any threads.

Pick up some scraps and start winding the thread around them to make a sausage. Keep going, wrapping the thread around the scraps as much as is needed to hold them together. Do this until the sausage is about a half to one metre long (longer than that becomes really unwieldy to handle.)

And you'll have a handful of sausage, or "wors" as it's called here in SA.
I thought I'd make another bowl, so I began coiling the wors and have just finished the base below and am about to start going up the sides. It's good for the state my brain is in at the moment (still not better) and goes well with mindless TV - and at the end I will (hopefully) have a fairly solid, useable bowl.
I thought about you today while in design class at college. My tablemate was sitting there cutting up soda cans for his project! I had to let him know about your works with tin and fabric...!
Really like this technique--thank you for sharing the mini tute---looks like fun!
fabulous, love it!
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